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Newsletter November `24

"Job Action Project"

At the end of November, the number of participants in the project was 11 young people, leaving four places vacant.

Two participants ended the project when they started work. Another participant had to be terminated for health reasons and one participant due to insufficient co-operation. 

On 31 October 2024, the annual Samhain festival took place in the Celtic village, in which some participants from the project took part and proudly carried the prepared Swedish torches in the procession. 

Work on the palisade fence continued this month. Once again, wood had to be collected from the forest for this. This was delimbed and cut to size, after which the participants transported it to the Celtic village to build the fence. The demolition of the fence also continued. 

Another area of responsibility was the demolition and disposal of the timber store as well as the recurring maintenance work on the grounds of the Celtic village. 

This month, debt counselling visited us on 15.11.2024 and informed our participants about ‘debt traps’ and ways to overcome them. On 22 November 2024, we visited the employment summit in Rockenhausen with our participants. A large number of companies and potential employers presented themselves. The participants took up the offer very well. Good discussions were held with some companies, resulting in the first enquiries and applications for internships. 

The socio-educational support team held discussions with the job centre and individual support plan meetings. After successfully completing an internship at BorgWarner, Kirchheimbolanden, two participants were offered an apprenticeship starting on 1 August 2025. Results like these confirm the work of the project. 


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.... Samhain festival ...

...Working on the palisade fence  ....



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Newsletter October `24

"Job Action Project"

At the end of October, the number of participants in the project was 15 young people, so there are no vacant places. Two new participants joined the project at the end of the month. 

Work on the palisade fence took centre stage this month. When the old palisade fence was demolished, the steel posts set in concrete were preserved so that they could be reused in the new construction. A further work step was to place the palisade elements that had already been prepared, as well as to fell more trees, peel them and drill pilot holes.

Some of the old palisade wood can still be used for the fireplaces in the Celtic village. It was chopped for this purpose and stacked for further use.

Another focus of work was the production of the Swedish torches, which are needed for the Samhain festival on 31 October 2024.

The participants once again took part in the German lessons with great interest. As the group now has different language skills, the lessons are organised on a more individual basis. One group continues to practise basic skills and writing letters, while the other group discusses the federal states and their main locations and maps them.

On 1 October 2024, we visited BorgWarner with our participants. It was a very interesting tour of the company, during which the young people were given lots of information about the various training occupations.

The socio-educational support team held discussions with the job centre and individual support plan meetings. In addition, work was carried out with the participants on individual application portfolios and further job acquisition. As a result, one participant was successfully placed in an internship and one participant was given a job interview.


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.... Palisade fence construction ...

...preparations Swedish torches ....


.. Recycling of the old palisade fence and minor repair work ....

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Newsletter September `24

"Job Action Project"

At the end of September, the number of participants in the project was 13 young people. 
One participant was placed in a job at the beginning of the month, while another participant left the programme for health reasons. 

We welcomed five new participants to the programme. 

After the holiday period, everyone came back in a good mood and refreshed. With renewed vigour, the palisade fence was completely torn down and disposed of. As the area of the Celtic village is very large, the demolition of the fence was a great feat of time and effort. 

The hedges along the fence line were cut back and the general mowing and maintenance work on the green areas continued. 

As we took on some new participants in September, the team also worked a lot in the workshop. Here, the young people learnt how to use tools and process wood, while everyone else was able to deepen and consolidate their knowledge in this unit. 

Four of the new participants are also taking part in German lessons, with the focus here being on further literacy training. 

The socio-educational support team held many individual and group discussions. Initial interviews, support planning and final interviews were also conducted. 
Some participants worked on the computer and intensified their job application training. 

On 26 September 2024, we visited the vocational training fair in Eisenberg with our participants.  


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... Demolition of palisade fence ...

.... Done!


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Newsletter August `24

"Job Action Project"

At the end of August, the number of participants in the project was 12 young people, and we are starting the month of September with 10 participants. This leaves five places vacant. At the start of the new school year, one participant was placed on a second language course, two young people began the BVJ - Language programme and another participant started work. Two participants were successfully placed in an apprenticeship, both starting on 2 September 2024. 

After the summer holidays, three new participants started the programme and were trained. 

Due to the holiday and holiday period, work was somewhat quieter. The clay houses in the Celtic village project continued to be restored. This included carrying out repair work and painting the exterior façades.  

The maintenance work in the grounds is an integral part of the work in the Celtic village. The shrubs were pruned and the paths and areas cleaned and trimmed. This included working with a brush cutter. Following the preparatory work on the tower, the rain drain has now been installed.   

A highlight of the month was the filming of the SAT.1 regional magazine for Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse on 21 August 2024. This was very exciting for our participants. The report about our JobAction programme was broadcast on 26 August 2024.  The programme can be viewed in the media library at 

The socio-educational counsellors held individual and group discussions as well as support planning and final meetings. This also included initial meetings with the new participants and the setting of initial target agreements.  

On 15 August 2024, an event was held on the topic of financial management. The training focused on variable and fixed costs in connection with keeping a budget book to avoid debt.

German lessons were used to repeat and consolidate what they had learnt so far. 


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Installation of the rainwater drain on the tower .....

.... Further plastering work on the mud houses and painting of the exterior façade


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