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Newsletter February `24

"Job Action Project"

At the end of February, the number of participants in the project was 14 young people, so one place is still vacant. Three participants have left the project this month. One participant left due to starting an integration language course, one participant left for health reasons and one participant had to end the programme due to a prison sentence. 
The team welcomed five new young people in February.

The new participants first received safety instructions and then began to familiarise themselves with the various materials and tools in the wood workshop. The remaining participants continued to work diligently on the project. 
The construction of benches for the Celtic village was one of the first tasks. For this, the wood had to be peeled, sanded and filed. The seats were then joined to the stamps and the backrest. The dilapidated bridge and wooden fence in the Celtic village have been demolished. Both will be rebuilt in the next stage of work.

As part of the socio-pedagogical support, the first crisis discussions took place in the area of everyday life and social skills, and goals were formulated in the help plan processes. The participants received support with application processes and job acquisition, including the joint preparation and sending of applications. Two participants have already been successfully placed in an internship. Two further participants have successfully passed their job interview and will start their internship in March.

An additional German course was started on our premises with the non-German-speaking participants in order to reduce language deficits and increase integration and placement opportunities. The young people are interested and actively participate in the theoretical and practical sessions.

All participants in the project took part in a joint trip to the Kaiserslautern Master Craftsman School for the "Training Day". During this event, the young people were able to find out about various training occupations and areas of work, including carpentry, painting, blacksmithing, electrical work and C&C machine production, and try out some of the activities.

Picture gallery

Demolition of bridge and fence in the Celtic village

Training day at the master school in Kaiserslautern


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Newsletter January `24

"Job Action Project"

The project started successfully on 1 January 2024 with eight participants, with two more participants joining in the course of the month, meaning that there are currently 10 participants working on the project.

We started the first week with personal meetings and group discussions to get to know each other and consolidate the team structure.

A career interest test was carried out with the participants as part of the induction week. This showed the young people which professions might suit their personal interests and strengths. It was also possible to crystallise professions that the participants had not previously considered. Another module was an introductory test in the subject areas of German, maths and social studies. This tested basic arithmetic, spelling and grammar as well as general knowledge. The analyses of both tests were discussed in detail with the participants and the results were incorporated into the support planning. The workshops initially focussed on teaching safety regulations, the proper use of tools and machines and the correct handling of different materials.

Here, the different types of wood processing were taught and practically tested in practice sessions. 
The participants then made the first stools for the Celtic village.

Based on the "Celtic Village on the Donnersberg" project, the first training session was on the topic of "Celtic life in Germany and on the Donnersberg" and included a tour of the Celtic village. This gave the participants a comprehensive insight into the future project work.


Picture gallery

Impressions from the Celtic village

and the first stools are created


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Project JobAction


  • The common goal is to qualify job- and training seekers in the personal and technical fields and make them fit for the labour market.

Target group:

  • Young people under 30 who are not in school, training or work


Project content:

  • Projects with the Celtic village on the Donnersberg (experience nature, experience the ancient life of the Celts and make it accessible to other people, immerse yourself in the history of the Celts on the Donnersberg)
  • Indoor and outdoor teambuilding events (experiential education)
  • Training on the topic of "How do I deal with finances?" or "Household management"
  •  Promotion of individual career planning, career guidance and job application training
  • Participation in language courses, PC training
  •  Training in "soft skills" such as self-management and 
    time management
  • Individualised socio-educational support
  • Company internships

Process of the JobAction project:

  • Project start: 01.01.2024 
  • Project end: 31.12.2024
  • Project hours: Monday to Thursday 8:00-16:00, Friday 8:00-13:00
  • You will receive a certificate of attendance for successful participation

This project is funded by the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Transformation and Digitalisation Rhineland-Palatinate from the European Social Fund Plus.

The European Social Fund is the European Union's most important labour market policy instrument. ESF Plus funds are used to improve the promotion of employment in Rhineland-Palatinate and to better prepare workers and companies for the new global challenges.

Here you can find information on the ESF+ website of the European Commission and the ESF+ Managing Authority Rhineland-Palatinate.


funded by:

"and supported by the Donnersbergkreis job centre and the district administration of the Donnersbergkreis"

If you have any further questions and/or individual arrangements, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Sabrina Mahler (Diploma in Social Pedagogy (FH))
Claudia Scholl (Diploma in Social Pedagogy (BA))
Phone.: 06352 – 71 90 670
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Location of the workshop in Marnheim:
Gemeinnützige Beschäftigungs- und Qualifizierungs GmbH
Bahnhofstraße 68
67297 Marnheim

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