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Newsletter July `23

"Job Action" project

In July, the number of participants was 10 young people, so there are five vacant places. For one participant, the project was terminated in July due to lack of participation. 

The young people continued to work diligently in the project. For example, in order to implement the sub-project "Repair, renovation, restructuring and upgrading of the adventure playground in Dannenfels", the slide was completed. For the completion, the pipes for fixing the slide were welded and attached to the slide, foundations were concreted and finally the slide was put into position.

The work on the wooden Mikado was also continued. So the Mikado could be screwed together and lined with bark mulch. 

On 5 July 2023, we took part in the large training fair organised by the employment agency and the 1st FC Kaiserslautern in the Fritz Walter Stadium in Kaiserslautern. Here, 130 training companies from the region presented themselves. The participants showed interest and flyers were taken away. One participant has already taken a closer look at a company and sent an application.

On the part of the socio-educational support, job interviews, joint talks with the job centre and individual case-related support plan talks took place in July.

Picture gallery

...... working at the adventure playground .......

.... Construction of the slide ...

.... made it! Finished slide ....

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Newsletter June `23

"Job Action" project

In June, the number of participants was 11 young people, so there are four vacant places. A total of five participants ended the project in June. One participant started the integration language course, two participants ended up in training and two participants were taken out of the measure. One participant re-entered the measure.

The young people continued to work diligently in the project. For example, the posts for the zip line were installed to implement the sub-project "Repair, renovation, restructuring and upgrading of the adventure playground in Dannenfels". Furthermore, logs were sanded and peeled and concrete work was carried out for the wooden picado. Furthermore, the wooden construction for the slide could be erected. The participants of the project also took care of the greenery at the adventure playground.

The participants in the sewing workshop had the opportunity to get creative and make individual items. For example, a bath towel was made.

As part of the socio-educational support, in addition to individual case discussions, assistance was also provided with application processes, job acquisition, accompaniment and support in the context of internships as well as placements. As a result, one participant was additionally placed in marginal employment.

On 27.06.2023 we took part in the "Job Start" event. Here, the participants had the opportunity to gain insights into the companies of the DEG Park Kirchheimbolanden and, if interested, to get in direct contact with the employers.

Picture gallery

...... working at the adventure playground .......

..... Bath towel, made by a participant of the sewing workshop....

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Newsletter Mai `23
"Job Action" project

In May, the number of participants was constant at 15 young people participating in the project, all places are occupied.

The participants continued to work diligently in the project. Thus, for the implementation of the sub-project repair, renovation, restructuring and upgrading of the adventure playground in Dannenfels, the foundations for the playground equipment "Mikado" was excavated. Furthermore, the production of the benches in the workshop was started.

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As part of the socio-pedagogical support, in addition to individual case discussions, assistance was also provided with application processes, job acquisition and placements.

A debt counseling session was held with all participants on 24.05.2023 via Diakonie.

Furthermore, we participated in the event "Berufsschnuppertag" (career taster day) at the Berufsbildungswerk Worms on 11.05.2023. Here, the participants had the opportunity to inform themselves and try out the areas of housekeeping, gardening and landscaping, color technology, structural engineering, carpentry, metal, storage and vehicle maintenance.

On 25.05.2023, we also participated in the "Job Start" event. Here, the participants had the opportunity to gain insights into the companies SONIMA GmbH and IVB Direktmarketing GmbH in Göllheim.

Two project participants will leave the project at the end of the month. By successfully completing an internship, the participants were successfully integrated into the internship company with the start of training.


Image gallery

.... Participants in action ...... Building benches

------- Training trip "Vocational taster days" at Berufsbildungswerk-Worms


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Newsletter April `23
"Job Action" project

In April, the number of participants remained constant at 14 young people taking part in the project, with one place still vacant. 

The participants continued to work diligently in the project. For example, in order to implement the "sub-project repair, renovation, restructuring and upgrading of the adventure playground" in Dannenfels, the foundations for the houses were dug and the iron was concreted in, the slide was transported from the forest to the adventure playground and the ropeway was dismantled and disposed of. 

Furthermore, the insect hotels were distributed and found their place in nature. 
Within the framework of the socio-pedagogical support, assistance with application processes and job acquisition took place in addition to individual case discussions. 

Training sessions on various topics were again held with all participants: 
18.04.2023 Training on financial lifestyle - household diary
20.04.2023 Occupational safety and first aid
28.04.2023 Training and employment contract 

Furthermore, we took part in the event on 24.04.2023 "Job Start" at the Parkhotel Schillerhain. Here the participants had the opportunity to find out about jobs in the hotel and catering industry. As a result, three participants showed great interest in the professions and the possibility of applying for an internship in this field. 

One project participant has been doing an internship since 27.03.2023, which ends on 06.05.2023. The internship is going very well and the company would also like to employ him as an apprentice from August 2023.

Picture gallery

.... Participants in action ...... Adventure playground and sculpture trail

............. The insect hotels are ready for their new inhabitants ........


------- "Job Start" training trip

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Newsletter March `23
"Job Action" project

In March, the number of participants remained constant at 13, although one participant left the project in mid-March when she started working. Two more participants joined at the end of March. These are one male participant and one female participant. Currently, 14 young people are participating in the project and one place is still vacant.

The new participants were first taught the basics, while the other participants worked diligently in the project. For example, in order to implement the "sub-project repair, renovation, restructuring and upgrading of the adventure playground" in Dannenfels, concrete and earthworks were carried out to dismantle the slide. The concrete was removed.

Furthermore, as part of the implementation of the sub-project "Integrating nature experiences into everyday life", the participants collected willows to make insect hotels, which are also to be integrated on the forest adventure trail in Dannenfels.

Within the framework of socio-educational support, many individual case discussions and the obligatory help plan discussions took place at the end of the first quarter. The first goals were formulated together with the participants. Participants were accompanied to appointments and joint talks were held at the job centre.

The participants were supported in the application process. Job research was carried out and applications were jointly prepared and sent.

One project participant is doing an internship from 27.03.2023.

Various training units on different topics were conducted with all participants of the project.

07.03.2023: City tour of Kirchheimbolanden (walking tour of all social institutions).

16.03.2023: Training session by an external lecturer on the topic of environmental protection, climate protection and, energy-saving measures.

22.03.2023: Training unit "Europe and I

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