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Newsletter Feb` 22

"Project Job Action"

In February, the number of participants fluctuated. New participants joined the programme
and 4 participants left, so that currently 15 young people are taking part in the project
and it is therefore fully staffed.
Whereas the new participants in the workshops are initially taught the basics, the "old ones" are working very diligently and with great motivation on the
 "construction trailer" sub-project. This is taking on new forms in small steps.

The construction trailer gets a new roof. For this purpose, the project participants
cut the wood, sand it and finally mount it on the trailer. Still other participants are taking the first steps to remove the old varnish and sand diligently.

Many individual case discussions take place within the framework of socio-educational support.
Goal formulations in the help plan processes are addressed. Home visits
are carried out. Participants are accompanied to appointments.
Joint discussions take place at the Job Centre.
The participants are supported in the application process. Job research
job research is carried out, applications are jointly prepared and sent out.
At the end of the month, 2 project participants go on internships. The rest of the
The rest of the group goes to the local school to help with the renaturation of the school garden.
the school garden. The first steps towards team building
take place.

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Newsletter Jan `22
"Job Action" project

The project started successfully on 02.01.2022 with initially 7 participants.

In the course of the month, more participants joined, so that by the end of January, 17 participants were working in the project. One young man has already been placed in work.
The project started with an initial meeting to get to know each other. The first joint assistance processes were discussed and already set in motion.
In the workshops, the focus was initially on teaching the basics in order to tackle and implement the various sub-projects.
The first major sub-project, the "construction trailer," is being tackled in small steps at first. As part of the renaturation of the school garden and the adjoining school vineyard, an old construction trailer is being repaired. This is to be made available to the users of the vineyard serve as accommodation and storage for materials.
The construction trailer was gutted by the participants in January. Together material was ordered and first planned, which roof should get the new construction trailer.

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Project JobAction

Target group:

  • Young people under 30 who are not in school, training or work


Project content:

  • Projects with the materials wood, metal and fabrics (cooperation partner Georg von Neumayer School)
  • Indoor and outdoor teambuilding events (experiential education)
  • Training on "how do I manage my money" or "how do I run my household".
  • Promotion of individual career planning, career orientation and job application training
  • Participation in language courses, PC training
  • Training of "softskills" such as punctuality and reliability
  • Individual socio-educational support
  • Company internships

Process of the JobAction project:

  • Project start: 01.01.2022 (entry is possible at any time)
  • Project end: 31.12.2022
  • Project hours: Monday to Thursday 8:00-16:00, Friday 8:00-13:00
  • for successful participation you will receive a certificate of your achievements

funded by:

This project is funded by the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Transformation and Digitalisation Rhineland-Palatinate from the European Social Fund Plus.

The European Social Fund is the European Union's most important labour market policy instrument. ESF Plus funds are used to improve the promotion of employment in Rhineland-Palatinate and to better prepare workers and companies for the new global challenges.

Here you can find information on the ESF+ website of the European Commission and the ESF+ Managing Authority Rhineland-Palatinate.

If you have any further questions and/or individual arrangements, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Sabrina Mahler (Diploma in Social Pedagogy (FH))
Susanne Throm (Graduate social worker/pedagogue (FH))
Phone.: 06352 – 71 90 670
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Location of the workshop in Marnheim:
Gemeinnützige Beschäftigungs- und Qualifizierungs GmbH
Bahnhofstraße 68
67297 Marnheim

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